I love to put it in my coffee. While that may not seem like a traditional way to flavor one's cup of morning joe, bear with me. A little dollup of coconut oil, with its high concentration of healthy fats, makes your morning (or afternoon) ritual quite a treat.
Ingredients: High quality coffee beans (not ground)
Unrefined coconut oil
Your preferred milk (almond, coconut, cow, goat, creamer. etc)
I start with some good quality beans and grind 'em up right before I brew. I have a little Krups grinder that I've had for 10 years or so and it has always performed beautifully. You can get 'em at Amazon, Bed Bath & Beyond or department stores.
When your coffee is done brewing grab your coconut oil. I have read extensively to use 'unrefined' or virgin oil as it is not processed. The processing basically consists of heating and bleaching then deodorizing to remove the coconut oil flavor and aroma. I for one, love the aroma and flavor, and it is so subtle in the coffee, that even if you don't 'love it' you won't notice it that much. Here's a good explainer of the difference between refined and unrefined. Here's the brand I'm currently using with which I have had great results.
To blend, you don't need to haul out the giant food processor or blender. Of course if that's all you have, by all means. I use a NurtiBullet blender. It came with several cups and detachable blades which makes this a very easy process. You can use an immersion blender too. They run about $30 for a good brand like Cuisinart.

Scoop a little dollop of coconut oil and put it in your cup, then pour your hot coffee over it. You'll notice the oil start to melt and liquify; this is a good thing. I like to mix in a little creamer and almond or coconut milk to give it a creamier texture, but trial and error will best determine your preferred combo.

Then I add a dash of cinnamon on top.
I then blend for literally five or six seconds and this magical concoction appears.
A few hearty mugs of this in the a.m., and I'm not usually hungry 'til lunchtime. The fat in the oil is quite satiating, eliminating my early morning hunger pangs. Of course it does taste great with eggs and potatoes as well. Enjoy!
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